Late payment interest

Here you can read about late payment interest, and how you can send a claim.

Late payment interest

SiO erkjenner krav på forsinkelsesrenter av depositum som har vært innestående hos SiO de tre siste årene fra 27. juni 2023, jf. foreldelsesloven § 14. Dette innebærer at SiO ikke vil påberope seg foreldelse av materielt berettigede forsinkelsesrentekrav som har oppstått i perioden 27. juni 2020 til 27. juni 2023.     

Have you lived or do you live at a SiO housing and previously had a deposit with us? Have you received your deposit back and are wondering whether you may be entitled to late payment interest? 



What is late payment interest? 

The Act on late payment interest and the Norwegian Tenancy Act § 3-7 gives you the opportunity to submit a claim for late payment interest if the deposit has not been handled as required by law.  

You must register the claim for late payment interest to SiO yourself. 


Why do I have to report a claim? 

The law is clear that you must report the claim for late payment interest yourself. We also need you to confirm which bank account you want the money received into.    


A claim is easy to register. Just send us a message via our contact form. Please update the account number for repayment on My page, under Finances before you register your claim. We appreciate you confirming in your claim that you have updated your bank account in advance. 


How much can I claim? 

The calculation of late interest is done individually based on the size of the deposit, as well as how long it had been paid in at SiO within the last three years. We use rates calculated by the Ministry of Finance. 


Please note that any late interest you receive from SiO will be considered taxable income, and that you must include this interest in your tax return yourself.  


Do you have any questions? 

Everyone will get what they are entitled to, and we will process your case continuously when you submit your claim. Please contact Customer Service if you have any questions.